Al Éxito is the umbrella nonprofit organization to |drēm|sēd|. Al Éxito provided starting funds to start off the business. |drēm|sēd| creates products where profit is additional funding to the students from both groups. The funding is used for students to either expand the business or to help cover costs of programming of Al Éxito.

Al Éxito provides programming that builds the leadership potential of Latino/a youth through college preparation, career development, civic engagement, family support, and celebration of culture.
Al Éxito provee programación que construye el potencial de liderazgo de los jóvenes latinos a través de la preparación para la universidad, el desarrollo profesional, el compromiso cívico, el apoyo familiar y la celebración de la cultura.
-A better community through Latino excellence.
-Una comunidad mejor a través de la excelencia latina.