Our Background
We are youth from the Movimiento Al Exito program, who aspired to establish our own business to give even more back to our community. We are influential Latinx leaders engaged in our community!
|drēm|sēd| was created by the Mexican Proverb, "They tried to bury us but didn't know we were seeds", fighting back on an oppressive system.
Our Mission
As a youth led business, |drēm|sēd| will partner with Latino owned companies to build customer base, demonstrate a culture of giving, and to provide essential skills and opportunities for a greater diverse future.
Our Goals:
1) Build the capacity of Latino Youth
2) Promote and demonstrate the giving spirit of the Latino community, especially business
3) Financially sustain Al Exito programs
How you can help us
You can contribute by supporting our products, provide business mentorship, and/or partner with us for your company which we will market and sell.
Thank you for your support in developing a future diverse workforce!